Tuesday, February 5, 2013


  I've found a really good new service to compete with busuu and memrise, called duolingo.  It's really neat, and the translator in it is very encompassing, it covers almost all the possible translations I could think of for a given phrase in say, French. That puts it well above anything else in my opinion. Unlike Rosetta Stone, it only focuses secondarily on how well you pronounce things, but given how spotty Rosetta Stone is with regards to that, that's not a bad thing. The only beef I have is that when I'm typing on the iPad it's too easy to mess things up--like I've been getting everything wrong by only one letter. Oops! I missed a space so I got it wrong! Thank God it doesn't matter so much. I've been passing with flying colors overall. A lot of translation involves mixing and matching words to make sentences which the iPad is ideal for. Overall the pacing is very slow, even slower than working thru Madrigal's French, but faster than Rosetta Stone (marginally) and you're given the option of testing out of things, and you can plow thru stuff pretty well anyways. Audio is nice and fluent tho clearly copy-pasted together.
  French for Reading is coming along pretty well but still slow, tho that's to be expected. I'm not sure how close I should be paying attention, and I can't tell if I should overlearn now or later...Probably now. The prices for French comics seems to always be increasing so I'm not sure if ill be able to keep my fluency for very long. I mean, le français may be la deuxiéme langue pour les mangas but it means little if there's only meager access to resources. I'll have to look around some more, but i have a feeling it'll be easier when I know the language better.
  I wish there were an online French Where Are Your Keys? but there isn't. The Gaeilge resources are great and I can't wait to getting back to it.

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